
As a Traveler

When the word travel comes into our mind, our soul tickles, we also get tensed. It depends on why we are traveling. Travel is not just a word. it brings a lot into it. I feel travel is the journey of life. What is travel? it is only a journey. We all don't know about our destinations, every day there's a new journey, the whole day is only a journey we can say. We don't know from where we came and where we all will go, and because we don't know, it makes our journey beautiful. If we knew, there is only anxiety around us. There are different types of travel future travel, present travel, past travel. We can go anywhere without moving from our places which, can be understood in short by saying meditation.
The youth now a days travel without moving from their places whole life through social media or gadgets. But I'm talking about me, I'm saying is life is a journey. Waling through your legs, reaching from one place to another, is very simple. I told you that travel is there in everyone's life. When a baby takes birth or comes into the womb of its mother, from that point, the journey starts. I believe that journey never stops only, track changes.
So, travel is not just a word; it brings a lot within it. Have you ever felt that you are going alone? Somewhere in train and watching out from your window, your travel is going on. But your mind and your soul got lost in another tour. Physically you are on your seat watching out from your window.
Let's, talk about destination traveling, about which we already know. Yes, I'm a traveler; everyone is a traveler but, I am talking about exploring beautiful, astonishing places. When we say ok, let's go somewhere also there is a new trend nowadays for a long drive.
In life, there are different types of challenges from which they want a break from their anxiety. In life, we should keep everything light and sincere to be ready for everyday challenges. To go through these journies, sometimes we should do destination travelings from this, you will get a lot of energy to move ahead.

The question arises from which kind of travelings we will get the energy this is another issue. I like to travel in the mountains, nature, close to the essence. The universe is everything I'm talking about natural nature, where greenery on the mount with ice-covered, birds sing with a beautiful sunrise with a hot cup of tea or coffee watching the scenery there is peace. While traveling, you come close to yourself if you are traveling alone. I'm not saying that you should travel solo, but you should also travel solo. I've traveled a lot alone, and I want to travel solo further also.


Travel gives me the energy I, traveled a lot. I went to the Himalayan range, to the destination of Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamunotri, Amarnath, Kelash, did Sindhu darshan. I take my bag anytime and decide I will go to mountains somewhere far where I can get peace in the lap of nature with waterfalls, mountains, and greenery.